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English Education
The New Education Plan By MEXT’s Feasibility Among Seikei University Students(部員作成 英語論文)
( This mini-thesis was made for Seikei International Course and after submitting, it was shared)
1. Abstract
This paper investigates the English skills and perception of English learning among students in a private university in Tokyo, Japan, in order to identify the feasibility of the new education plan which was launched in 2015. The most remarkable outcome was that the freshmen scored higher in the TOEIC test than the MEXT average. The survey results showed the differences between the students who have experienced the new education plan and the old one.
2. Introduction
For decades, The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport, Science, and Technology-Japan (MEXT) and Board of Education in Japan have been discussing English skills problems such as difficulties acquiring English in terms of speaking. Typically, like a stereotype of Japanese, Japanese may have some negative image of English and have difficulties to deal with learning the language. Thus, investigating government guidelines and education plans for current students is important to verify plans for Japanese students and teachers. An earlier education plan (Oka et al., 2011) , which was adopted for the years 2008 to 2015, had criteria which outlined goals for graduating high school students to have English skills at the level of A2~B1 in the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) or Eiken (Jitsuyo Eigo Gino Kentei; Test in Practical English Proficiency) pre-2nd ~2nd level. In addition, the aim was to equip students with communication skills in English.
In 2015, to equip students with high-quality English skills in terms of 4 skills; Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading, a new education plan was adopted by MEXT 2014, and it recommends that students have a level of CEFR B1~B2, or Eiken 2nd grade~ pre-1st grade, or a TOEFL iBT score of more than 57 which is higher than the previous guidelines. Moreover, MEXT increased the vocabulary size requirement from 1500 to 1800 and recommended that students be allowed to practice discussion, presentation, and speech in the curriculum (MEXT,2015a). To reach these goals, MEXT issued a “Can-Do List”, which makes it easy to measure the skills step-by-step.
Moreover, MEXT conducted a survey of high school students who attend public schools, with regards to the four English skills (MEXT, 2015 b). This report outlined the data measuring the English skills of the population of students in public and national high schools. The data was collected in 2015 by surveying over 70,000 public and national high school students. The criteria of this survey were based on four categories: Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. In each category, the skills were measured based on CEFR (A1-B2). From the data, it was found that most of the national high school students belong to CEFR A2 level in “Reading” and “Listening”. Furthermore, there were some students at the CEFR B1 level. On the other hand, in the section “Writing” and “Speaking”, the scores were lower. For public high school students, all scores were found to be far behind the government stated goals. Scores of “Reading” and “Listening” were mainly in the CEFR A1 level, but some were in CEFR A2 level. For the other two skills, 90% of students were at the CEFR A1 level. This shows that Japanese students in public and national high schools mostly have only CEFR A1-A2 level English skills.
3. Literature review
A review of MEXT’s education plan was conducted by Oka, et al. (2011). The researchers looked into the history and methods of English education by MEXT. For a long time, grammar had a heavyweight in English education in Japan. The government’s education plan for English changes every 10 years, and up until today, the education plan has been revised in every decade to adjust. From the wave of globalism, communication skills became more important. To take time for communication, the number of grammar classes was decreased. However, in fact, for university entrance examinations, grammar has been the most important factor to get a high score as mainly, still, there were few communication or speaking tests but grammar and vocabulary classes was an important issue in the past, around until 2000 (Oka, et al, 2011). Furthermore, the authors indicate that English education was mainly taught by Japanese teachers in Japanese, only 3~4% of the classes were held in English in 2006. Oka et al. claimed that the four-skills (Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing) are very important and teaching methods should be followed to teach all of these skills and that classes must be held in English. However, this study had some limitations. It explained the guidelines and curriculum well, but it did not discuss how effective these were at improving students’ English skills.
The data from this survey by MEXT and previous studies help us to judge whether MEXT’s education plan has succeeded or not. From this paper, it also becomes clear that there is a necessity to consider the new English plan launched in 2015 (MEXT 2015) as well. It should give hints to the argument on whether it is suitable or not. The purpose of this research paper starts from this issue. The present study aims to identify the current situation of English education among students at a private university in Japan (S. University) and to assess whether or not the former education plan and the new 2016 MEXT education plan for English is viable for high school students. The following research question guided this study: Is there differences between junior and freshers/ sophomore students in University by having Education Guideline launched in 2015 and the former education guideline, which started in 2002 and end-upped in 2014? And does it have an impact on students’ English and attitude toward English? The outcome of this paper can shed light on the effectiveness and the actual practices of English education in high school and education at S. University. It may help other scholars who study these issues and English teachers at S. University. Furthermore, this may give a hint for having efficient English classes in freshers and sophomore classes.
A second study has been taken by scholars such as Michiko Toyama in 2015 (Toyama, 2015). Toyama described English education in terms of pronunciation and curriculum. Also, Toyama described student attitudes toward English. This study asked Japanese high school students in Japan to complete a questionnaire. It confirmed a linkage between motivation and English skills. When learning pronunciation, as English is very different compared to Japanese, students needed some help from their teachers. The most important idea in this paper was motivation. Japanese people have difficulties in speaking English, there was a necessity to give an incentive to the students. By giving motivation, students may have better efforts in English learning, but there are still difficulties to get to a CEFR level B1.
Another study was published in 2016. It focused on a different aspect. Steele et al. (2016) described English teachers’ levels and educational history. They claimed, “in the current stage, there is a clear gap between the goals outlined in the Ministry’s course of study guidelines and the reality of teaching practices” (Steele et al., 2016, p21). They pointed out that there are problems with teachers as well. Many teachers lack the ability or the training to teach English effectively to students. There is a lack of qualified teachers, and only 55% of teachers have TOEFL iBT scores of 80 or over, or TOEIC L&R scores of 730, or Eiken pre-1st grade, for instance (MEXT, 2015). Also, this paper enhanced Toyama’s (Toyama, 2015) argument, by showing that the curriculum needs some kind of additional material to give students motivation. Truly there is a gap between the government’s guidelines and the reality in the classroom, but this paper (Steel et al., 2016) only touched on teachers. It did not explain well about the education plan. For another limitation, these studies were mainly focused in earlier education plan which was adapted its curriculum in 2008, so it does not give enough information for a new plan which was adapted in 2016.
4. Methods
In order to identify the University students’ English level and their awareness of the type of education plan they experienced, 102 students, which included 50 female, 51 male, 1 other responded to a survey. The respondents consisted of 46 S University International Independent Course and 56 other courses or non-courses. Participants were collected from all four departments (61 for Department of Economics, 29 for Department of Humanities, 10 for Department of Law, and 1 for Department of Science and Technology). The survey was distributed in the paper-based form, internet-based form and was shared via SNS. The survey included 26 questions.
5. Result
As Oka et al. (2011) suggested, it could be said that English education in Japanese high schools still have a heavyweight on grammar or Read/ long-text. In Question 9, As a result, Understand/ Read long-text comes first with 14 %, Grammar and Listening follow with 13.1 %,12.5 %. In contrast, Discussion / Communication, Presentation / Speech and Debate had a low ratio (for each 5.6 %, 5.2 %, 2.4 % respectively). Figure1 shows the ratio of the lessons which participants experienced in high school’s English classes.
(figure 1: N=102)
From all lessons, 92 % of participants answered Understanding/Reading long-text, 86 % for grammar, 82 % for Listening, and 79 % for Vocab. This means that Grammar and Listening and the other two elements had heavyweight in high school’s English lessons as Oka (2011) suggested. However, still, Discussion /Communication and Debate remains at a low rate.
In University (see Figure 2), education of English may change in weight on more practical skills such as Presentation/Speech (16.3 %) or Discussion / Communication (14.1 %). By counting the responses, over 87 % of students had Presentation/ Communication, which is 55 % more than in secondary school. Also, at the same time, Grammar, Pronunciation, and Translation (Japanese), and Translation (English) had decreased over 10 % for each.
(figure2: N=102)
In University (figure 2), education of English may change the focus to more practical skills such as Presentation/Speech (16.3 %) or Discussion/ Communication (14.1 %). Moreover, many other items listed in figure 2 with higher than 7 % such as Grammar, Pronunciation, and Translation (Japanese) had decreased.
On students’ perception toward English, as figure 3 indicates, there seem to be not many students who strongly dislike using English. Surprisingly, there were over 40 students who liked using English, independent of whether their English skill is good or not. Students, especially in public school, have a tendency to like using English rather than private school students.
(figure 3: N=102)
(figure 4: N=102)
By asking an evaluation of one’s high school’s education based on perception, a positive answer can be seen from figure 4 (total “Yes” =59). As you can see in figure 3, students from public schools tend to have positive responses when comparing to private schools, many public school graduates answered “Yes” in figure 4 as well. In figure 3, 33 participants from public schools voted for “Yes” in total which is over 40 % of total votes by public students. On the other hand, students from private high school had negative image (over 25%), this means many students from private high schools are not really satisfied with their education in high school. In figure 4, “upper” and “intermediate” students tend to think their education was satisfied. When comparing figure 3 and 4, participants have a more positive image in high school rather than the university. However, many participants in university did not finish their English curriculum yet, those people answered “NB” or “I don’t know”.
(figure 5: N=102)
Figure 5 shows self-reported test scores of all participants before entering university. This also includes the TOEIC placement test held in March for all freshmen. Each score is a set in the same level of English zone based on CEFR made by Eiken Foundation of Japan (EFJ). The majority of students answered their TOEIC scores, and through TOEIC, over 70% belong in the score range of 300 to 699. Also, as you can see, none of the participants had a score under 225. For Eiken, 40 % of participants had grade 2, the volume zone can be set in a range of TOEIC 225-549.
6. Analysis
Former studies (MEXT,2015a); (MEXT,2016a) these gave the data of final grade high school student’s TOEIC scores. Figure 6, and figure 7 shows the both survey’s results based on the CEFR scale, as well, both figures show the comparison of MEXT surveys and the survey which have conducted currently in this paper.
*For survey of this paper, I had excluded each participants’ score which is duplicated. (figure 6)
(figure 7)
Looking in both figure 6 and figure 7 show the scores of both MEXT’s surveys, the score slightly grown and can be seen that there are improvements in three sections except CEFR level C1, + 4.4 % in A2, + 0.7 % in B1, + 0.1 % in B2. The most remarkable outcome of the survey was that S University’s scores of TOEIC scores highly over-scored the average score of high school students in the final grade (MEXT, 2015&2014), + 40 % in B1, + 30 % in B2. This data shows, truly, the S University’s students’ English level had high achievements.
MEXT (MEXT,2015a) did not collect all the perceptions, though MEXT (MEXT,2016) had collected perceptions toward English lessons. Due to the comparison of S University and MEXT’s survey, only survey held in 2016 (MEXT,2016) was used (see figure 8). In figure 8, it shows that MEXT collected a high number of under-performed perceptions (students who think their English skills are not good) in Presentation/Speech, Debate/Discussion, and Discussion/Communication when compared to S University students’ perceptions. This is surprising data because as you can see in figure 9, freshmen who belonged in final grade in which 2016 survey was conducted, and a sophomore which had similar education policy, only a few participants answered their English level as "basic", so this fact may not be true in S university, however lacking enough freshmen related data in the survey of this paper may give a big concern of whether if it is true or not for freshmen.
(figure 8) (figure 9; below)
(figure 10)
In figure 9 and figure 10, the English classes and English lessons are compared in their year, students in juniors, seniors, and others most likely belonged in the former English guideline, and students in freshmen and sophomores most likely belonged in new guideline. Figure 9 shows the differences in English level, the majority of juniors/ seniors/ others seems to be in “upper class” and “intermediate class”, however freshmen and sophomores may have an almost equal number in each class. In figure 10, by comparing freshmen/ sophomores and juniors/ seniors/others, only “Presentation/ Speech” and “Essay” had big differences, this means that there could not be seen a correlation between former English guideline (2008-2015) and the new one (2015~) in terms of asking contents of English lessons because there were fewer differences in each lesson.
Figure 11 shows the differences in the level of English class and TOEIC scores, compared by grade in university as well. There can be seen more than a double number of participants enrolling in High-upper class and Upper class. Also in TOEIC score, students in junior, senior, and other have high scores than the freshman and sophomore.
However, figure 12 shows the differences between freshmen/ sophomores and juniors/seniors/others in terms of perceptions toward English education in high school. For Perception 1, over 60 % of students through their education was efficient but the freshmen/ sophomores had negative answers (37 %). In Perception 2, both freshmen/ sophomores and juniors/ seniors/ others had positive answers, still, the latter had a more positive impact on their perceptions.
(figure 11) (figure12; below)
7. Conclusion
In conclusion, comparing S University and the MEXT’s 2016/ 2015 survey, S University students had remarkable percentages in B1 to C1 level based on the outcome of English skills collected by examination based on CEFR scale. However, by collecting perceptions, most English courses have lack of 1) speech/ presentation 2) debate/ discussion 3) discussion/ communication in high school English education. Currently, S University’s students have higher skills than the survey of MEXT based on new education guideline. However, there seems to be no correlation between new and old English guideline in terms of English lessons because the differences of English lesson in high school between freshmen/ sophomores and juniors/ seniors/ others were too small so that it can be ignored.
Overall, students in S University had high-performance of English abilities, the new English plan of MEXT (MEXT,2014) did not really show clear merit when comparing freshmen/ sophomores and other students(old MEXT English plan). Therefore, New MEXT’s English plan may not have a feasibility among University’s students. Still, the former plan had a more positive impact on both English skills and perceptions, for instance, seniors and juniors' (former education scheme) answer toward the effectiveness of English education remarked higher than the youngers.
At last, this report still has certain concerns; three limitations. Firstly, the number of participants were not enough to strongly conclude. Secondly, as this report was based on one private university, this may not show the answer as the whole. Thirdly, as the data was not collected equally from each department, the conclusion of S University’s English abilities and perceptions may be imperfect. However, this report can help the future study of English education, especially at S University.
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